Sunday, January 11, 2015

One of My Earliest Novels

Musique - Matterhorn soundtrack
At some point this year, I plan to self-publish the novel I wrote for 2012's NaNoWriMo. To whet your appetite until that happens, and because I wanted to give you a glimpse into what you can expect from my writing, here is one of my earliest novels. This was written thirty years ago after my family's first trip to Disneyland. As you will see, I was highly influenced by the Matterhorn and its Abominable Snowman.
Because I didn't have an editor at the time, and well, I was seven, there are some misspellings and such throughout the book. To preserve its historical significance, I am presenting the book in its original glory. I give you, Night at Switzerland:
Night At Switzerland by Kate Ziemer [Author's note: my first grade teacher could not remember that my name was Adriane, not Andrea, so for a brief period of time, I changed my name to Kate.]
Once ther was an old old woman who knew Evrey thing but about the Night time. the old women said she was so scared that A Abdonable snow man would come.
One Night the old women stayed up All Night and Abdonable snow man came!
The old women set a trap For the Abdonable snowman. And the Abdonable snowman got traped!
The old woman laufted. and said Oh that will take care of you!
The End

When my new novel comes out, I think you will find that even thirty years later, I am still writing strong female characters.
And, outside of my writing, I am still incredibly in love with the Matterhorn and the Abominable Snowman. Especially the little Abominable Snowman that makes popcorn in that popcorn cart in Fantasyland. Seriously. So cute.


Susan said...

I want more.

amz said...

Oh yes, there will be more. I found all my old books at Mom & Dad's this weekend. I was quite prolific in the 80s.